It's so much fun watching books, sounds, places, and frankly EVERYTHING come alive through Ivan's eyes! His newest love is the sound, "Mooooo"
May 2014 Ivan and I found ourselves in Central Park in NYC watching the horse drawn carriages and Ivan "Moo'ed" at a white horse ... the Carriage Driver said, "Is he moo'ing at my horse" Ha, yea, I guess so!
The Franklin County Fair was a perfect place for Ivan to meet all is barn-yard friends up close and personal! He was able to moo with a cow, cluck with the chickens, baa with the sheep and quack with the ducks. They also had horses, ducks, goats, rabbits and I'm sure other animals I may have missed!
We are looking forward to a few more trips to visit his favorite friends at The Ohio State Fair July 23, 2014 - August 3, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio!