Library books to check out! Great books for preschool aged kids

Once Ivan finds a book he likes, he LOVES it.  Which means we read it over, and over, and over again!  Nothing worse than him locking onto a book that is dreadful to read!  I defiantly have my favorites ... and may or may not be responsible for books that have disappeared in the past ...

When we visit the library, I try to skim the books we check out in the attempts to find GOOD ones ... meaning, we will both enjoy them!

Here are two GEMS that shined from our last library outing.  Worth hunting down at a library near you (If you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, you can reserve online here Billions of Bricks & The Lion Inside)

Billions of Bricks, by Kurt Cyrus

Billions of Bricks, by Kurt Cyrus

WHY we love Billions of Bricks: Rhyming, Counting, Process, Construction + Building, & STEM

The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright

The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright

WHY we love The Lion Inside: Beautiful illustrations, great story about different perspectives!