You are da-bomb Valentine!

This year we are making lavender scented bath bombs for Ivan’s classroom valentine gifts. With a simple google search ‘bath bomb recipe’ TONS of great blogs appear with recipes, all very similar, with beautiful photo’s and all. My challenge was the recipe’s I was finding had a yield of 4 bombs. 🤯 There are 16 kids in the class + teachers, other friends & home use … that’s a math problem for me!


You are da-bomb Valentine!

Love Ivan

Original Recipe, yield 4 bombs:
1 cup Baking Soda
1/2 cup Citric Acid
1/2 cup Epsom Salt
1/2 cup Cornstarch
2 1/2 tablespoons oil
3/4 tablespoon water
12-15 drops essential oil
bath bomb molds

My goal is to make 40 BOMBS !

10 cups Baking Soda (5 lb bag ~ __ cups, $3.08 on Amazon)
5 cups Citric Acid (10 lb bag ~ __ cups, $22.35 on Amazon)
5 cups Epsom Salt (8 lb bag ~ __ cups, $6.99 at Meijer)
5 cups Cornstarch (16 oz box ~ 2 cups, $1.89 at Meijer)
1 1/2 cups grapeseed, almond, coconut oil (cost varies on type used - 16 oz jar coconut ~ 2 cups, $5.99 at Trader Joe’s)
1/2 cup water
120-150 drops of essential oil

MAKING THE BOMBS: Here we go …. I’ve only don’t this once before and had some problems getting started. I made in smaller batches (first time with original recipe quantities) to text the mix and insure it is the right texture/moisture to form a nice ball! I used a metal circle mold and silicone flower shaped molds. Once the ball is formed, I gently removed from the mold and set on a baking cooling rack before enclosing in the shrink wrap bag.

I found it was easiest to make 2 batches of the first recipe and get to the desired moisture ratio to firmly make a ball without being too wet. Then moving the white powder into separate bowls and then adding the coloring powder.

PACKAGING: My initial go round with bath bomb making, I purchased handheld sealer with shrink wrap bags. The heating unit broke before I was done with all my bombs! This year I purchased a 8” bag sealer that has worked wonderfully! Simply slip the dried bath bomb into the 4x6” bag, seal the top and apply air from a hair dryer. Professional bath bomb ta-daa!!! We then enclosed the shrink wrapped bath bomb in a decorative bag with a tag that read, “You are da-bomb Valentine, Love Ivan”. I did also include an ingredient list just incase we had any sensitive 1st grade Wonders!