Planting seeds at home for kids - it's officially springtime get growing!!

DISCLAIMER: I am a novice…. look elsewhere for expert advice!

I have experienced so much joy for the past few springs planting seeds to then put in the garden. Going on my 3rd season, I’m excited to see what sprouts are going to challenge me the most this year (because it’s always something different!)

What you need to start:
Grow light, Amazon this is the ones I have, but this year one of them isn’t quite working as it should. The botton is getting stuck or something. Once I can get it on, it’s great, but doesn’t pop on with one push.
Jiffy Pet Pellets, Amazon I’ve also purchased at Meijer in the past
Heat mat, Amazon
Foil catering pans with plastic covers, Dollar Tree
Pots, Amazon I’ve saved the ones that aren’t destroyed from pervious years. The foil catering pans too!
tooth picks & scotch tape (or another method for labeling seedlings)

Learning the hard way, you really do need to warming mat, my most recent seeds (zinnia flowers, zucchini & pumpkin seeds) were all VERY vertical after just 3-4 days! 🪴

  1. Lay out the jiffy pods flat in your foil tray. Pour warm water and watch them grow!

  2. I like to only place 1 seed in each pod. If the seed doesn’t grow I can pull it out and try with another. This way the plants are already separated. 🌱

  3. Label your seedlings … they all look SO SIMILAR until they don’t! 🥕🥒🌶

  4. Place the trays on the warming mat and use the grow lights during the days. Keep the plastic lid onto to help keep in humidity & moisture. No rhyme or reason but I peek in and let them have some fresh air a few times a day or whenever I’m wanting to check in on them 🥰

  5. Once the seedling has emerged and the roots start to come through the Jiffy pod, I place each plant into it’s own pot with additional potting soil which helps keep the seedling moist enough until it’s ready to go out into the ground.

Plants cannot start indoors under the safety of grow lights and just go out into the raging sunshine. I have burnt leaves in the past … it’s best to take them outside for hour or so and work their way into being able to take on the sun before you plant in the garden. See below for the tomato plants that got too much sun too soon. The leaves turned grayish white. I found it best to put them on the table under the umbrella for the day after the first few times in the sun. This way they get the breeze as well as some sun but lots of shade too!

Fans can help strengthen young plants (I use once they are all in their pots waiting to transition to the garden).

I have read all kinds of information on starting seedlings so if you learn and tricks or tips I’d love to know about them!! In the meantime, I’ll just be learning as I go … this is my Old Maid hobby once Ivan has graduated homeschool 🥰 Happy GROWING 😘