no sugar added cookies!

This recipe has been floating around on Facebook ... I tried it when Ivan was under a year old and Ivan has loved them ever since!  When I first started making them I made circles ... you know, COOKIES.  When I gave them to Ivan I had to tear them into bite sized bits because he would put the ENTIRE thing into his mouth.  With a full set of teeth now, I have begun making sticks/bars instead.  They are easier for him to hold onto and nibble on.

I mash the ripe bananas with a fork prior to adding the additional ingredients.  I like the banana to be creamy.

Here's what you'll need:

2 cups quick oatmeal (this is really the only thing I measure)
3 ripe bananas (smashed until creamy)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Every time I cook it's more like a science project ... I started making this recipe with exact measurements and have since just eye-balled it.  Sometimes I've forgotten the cinnamon and/or vanilla and it's hard to notice.  Occasionally I've also added finely ground walnuts for some extra brain power. 

Pre-heat your oven before you mix to approx 350-375 degrees.  Mix all ingredients until the mixture is not too runny, and not too thick (wow, I would make a horrible cook book author)! 

Shape to your desired outcome on a greased cookie sheet (I use a fork to scoop and shape).  Maybe due to my limited baking experience, I was ASSuming the cookies would rise or change shape in the oven.  With limited ingredients, they did not!  They come out the same way you put them in.  Just make sure each shape is about the same thickness to ensure evenly cooking them. 

make sure to grease the cookie sheet and not to keep them in too long ... they will get hard fast!

They should be done in about 20-30 minutes.  Careful not to bake too long, they can get hard fast.

I store them in a container in the refrigerator but they usually don't last long!  They also live in our freezer in a freezer Ziploc bag when we have a lot of ripe bananas laying around.

I've recently found myself eating a few of these for breakfast on the go!

Blueberry lovers breakfast for toddlers! (and my nutritional WHY's)

Ivan is a BIG eater (most of the time)!  His typical morning routine begins with a banana in our bed while we have coffee and read a few book(s) … or the truck book 10x in a row!  Then Ivan eats a waffle, oatmeal, and/or toast, and scrambled eggs.  Oh yea, and sometimes when he hasn't seemed to get quite enough I toss him some Rice Krispies or Cheerios with Almond Milk.

Because this boy loves his blueberries Oh, SO MUCH (and I avoid feeding him foods high in sugar - syrup) I came up with the brilliant idea to make him blueberry sauce and here's how I do it …

Blueberry Sauce:
I usually use frozen blueberries (purchased at the grocery with no added sugar) fresh blueberries when they are so plentiful due to being in season.  Next, bake the blueberries in a glass 8x8 (brownie) pan, covered in foil, for approx 45 min (until bubbly) at 350-400F.  Then, pour the blueberries and juices into the food processor (baby bullet, blender) and puree.  
I keep a small container of the sauce in the refrigerator and put the remaining sauce in the same small containers in the freezer for future use.

Blueberry Sauce & the Van's waffles Ivan prefers

Blueberry Sauce & the Van's waffles Ivan prefers

Ivan enjoys blueberry sauce on his waffles and a spoonful (mixed with his daily probiotics) in his oatmeal for breakfast … I've also used it in place of jelly or preservatives for a PB&J!

Blueberries – cut in 1/2 or 1/4's depending upon the size
Walnuts – ground (with the skins on) in the blender or food processor to make powder
Blueberry Sauce + Probiotics (Klaire Labs, Ther-biotic Infant Formula)
Oatmeal – prepared as package states … I make 1/4 cup dry oats with water in the microwave
Almond Milk – splash if my oatmeal is a bit sticky

Oatmeal with blueberries, crushed walnuts and blueberry sauce (probiotic powder) ... and of course, Isabelle standing guard at her usual post -- under the high chair!

SO, WHY oatmeal with blueberries, whole walnuts (ground) and daily probiotics? 

Walnuts are a GREAT source of not only omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats but also vitamin E and have great heart healthy benefits!
Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits and provide a great source of  minerals including: magnesium, potassium, iron and manganese, anti-inflammatory agents & vitamin C, E and K. 
Oatmeal has omega-3 fats, fiber and other vitamins.
Probiotics – I purchase the probiotic powder from Ivan's pediatrician, Dr. Carine, located in Upper Arlington.  (They do sell supplements to non-patients if you call or visit the office!)  Probiotics improve immunity, prevents diarrhea, helps with intestinal problems, calms colic, and can help ease eczema ... Great article that gets far more technical than I ever will by Parents Magazine here.

And if you need any more reasons why your kids should start the day with a GREAT breakfast, check out this article from Quaker Oats highlighting the importance of teaching healthy eating habits.