A dear friend recently asked me for suggestions of places to take her darling 6 month old in Columbus, Ohio. That got me thinking of all the FUN FIRST places and activities Ivan and I visited together ...
Walks. Stroller walks. Baby Bjorn carrier walks. Walking Isabelle. Walking around Franklin Park Conservatory – and it’s prime time for a trip there, the butterflies are a flutter! The Columbus Zoo is also a wonderful place to walk. Not too much (aside from the active fish) to attract the eye of a 6 month old, but it’s a great location to scope out different stroller models and other parenting accessories that may make future outings easier! There are TONS of great parks and hiking trails and just in time for SPRING!
Gymboree Play & Music – located in Gahanna, Ohio – this is still one of our favorite places to play! They have music, art and gym classes as well as open gym times that are open for all to play! Level 1 is for ages 0-6 months, so they are ready for you when you get there!!
Columbus Metropolitan Library has wonderful storytime’s for all ages … starting with Baby Laptime, 0-18 months. I remember being quite impressed at our first Baby Laptime. They read books, played music and even had toys and musical instruments to interact with.
Mommy and Me classes … such as Mommy and me yoga offered by Yoga on High
Swimming. While no activity lasts too long at approx. 6 months, it’s fun to get the sensation of water be it at home or away ... there are lots of neighborhood pools around and Ivan turned his water table into a swimming pool at first!
Painting. Finger painting. Painting with different objects – sponges, toys feet, cars wheels, cotton balls, anything you can imagine ... This messy project might only last 60 seconds, but when you start little by little the love of colors, creating and stimulating the senses add up to a brilliant happy child! Art with Anna is a Columbus, Ohio art studio for kids. Ages 4+ can be dropped off for various events – and everyone is welcome during open studio sessions to partake in all the studio has to offer!
Get out and enjoy the world through your little one’s eyes … it’s a wonderful world out there!!