The NEW March Madness - Morning Gratitude

Ivan’s original spring break was scheduled for 2 full weeks. Earlier this year looking ahead at the calendar I was constantly cringing at the way our family’s hockey schedules overlapped with the school break. Ivan had a tournament in Cleveland, Ohio (2 hr. north of us) and his older brother’s hockey was ½ away games with no really ideal time to visit him for home games in Canada. We finally arrived at spending week 1 at home relaxing, then the Cleveland mite tournament, followed by a trip to Winnipeg for some Canadian hockey - with Ivan missing the first day back to school (not completely my ideal schedule).

What ended up happening (and it changed about every 4 hours for a few days) … Ivan and I spent Monday - Friday of week 1 in Naples, FL and my husband, John, drove for 2 days from Ohio to be with us (and of course bring hockey sticks & nets). We are now quarantining in a house for the next month in Key Largo, FL. 


Ohio is currently under a strict STAY HOME order from our Govenor, Mike DeWine, mandating all Ohioans to stay in their homes for all but essential outings and closes down non-essential businesses.  So we are doing the same thing we would be doing at home, minus the argument with Ivan to run outside and play with the neighbors.  Yes, it’s not my own bed and I would have packed a little differently, but Amazon is still delivering!

There have been several wonderful results of all this craziness, I’m sure you are noticing too.  Our family is having many more meaningful moments together, multiple times a day.  I am definitely savoring them.  To get Ivan un-grumped (he’s tired, lots of fresh air, change in scenery and schedule, added in with a new tooth …holy moly). I just started having him help me make a gratitude list in the mornings.  I’m letting him work on my laptop more than I ever have in the past as well as my phone … maybe we will start typing classes soon!!

Typing and technology are great distractions, HOWEVER, the night-howler* comes out with too much screen time in our house!  As of yesterday, our household is on a strick NO SCREEN TIME FROM A TABLET order for all team members under 20 yrs of age … making an exception for his school app of course!  And he does need to keep reading books and writing the old-fashioned way, with pencil & paper.

Now that I have a new printer, I’ve made a worksheet he can start his day with.  Feel free to download a copy here

Today I’m grateful for …
I’m excited about …
I’m looking forward to …
The ___ is so beautiful because …
List of things I like/love; because …
Things I like to do; because …

Today I’m grateful for my family … for the laughter and fellowship we are enjoying. I am also very thankful for our health! I am excited for the weeks of adventure to come and the pot of gold waiting for all mankind once this too shall pass.

~ Mommy Roslovic

*Night-howler … Have you ever watched the movie Zootopia? Animals live in a utopia in unity and peace - predators & prey. Then there is a problem and some of the animals go savage. At the beginning of the movie viewers are lead to believe a night-howler is a wolf howling at the moon, but you soon learn night howlers are another name for a flower that causes the mania. John has coined the term “night-howler” for the anexiety created by too much screen time 😂