Daddy always comes up with the most fun activities! He started performing light shows for Ivan by swinging and dancing around with glow-sticks ... you know, the ones you could buy for $5 a piece during firework shows or concerts to wear around your neck as a kid! In the spirit of trying to be fun myself, I ordered a tube of necklace length glow-sticks from Amazon for one of Daddy's Christmas presents (who knew how easy they are to find!) and the sporadic light shows continued ...
One night I was giving Ivan a bath and of course, I am not as entertaining as Daddy can be, nor was I ready for him to come out of the tub ... then a LIGHT BULB went OFF (in my head)! Light show in the tub!!! And that's how the bath time rave was born. See! Mommies can be fun too!
After my Amazon purchase of the tube of necklace length glow-sticks I have also had luck finding glow-sticks at Target (in the $1 bins near the front door) as well as super cool glow-in-the-dark sticks, balls, etc at Five Below stores.