Fun things for toddlers to explore at the Ohio State Fair 2014

This morning we ventured out to The Ohio State Fair, the gates open at 9 am and we got there shortly after.  Admission is $10 for 13-59 yrs and kids under 5 are FREE.  Kroger sells the 13-59 year old tickets for $6, so plan ahead!

In each and every direction there was SOMETHING interesting and magical to look at ... we got to see the Budweiser Clydesdale's getting their morning exercise.  There were being walked, 4 at a time, behind their stalls so we got to get as close as we were brave (there was a lot of flying poop going on!) 

Colorful action EVERYWHERE ... Ivan was loving all the support vehicles buzzing around!

I could not help but to notice the "LOST KIDS BOOTH" ... I wasn't quite sure this was an option, but apparently you can rely on the Ohio State Troopers to help babysit!  Who knew?!

In the Kiddie Land section, Ivan had a blast watching all the rides zipping around.  He was getting quite sluggish with all the cool fresh air (and nap-time nearing) but he perked right up in Kiddie Land ... I'm not sure if it was all the kiddie-energy or the aroma of cotton candy filling the air that got him!  36" was the height restriction for most rides ... If he can pull off 3-4" in the next 365 days our trip to the fair will be quite different next year!

Ivan playing in the JD Equipment tent - Running with the Bulls!

On our way out we had to have some french fries and of course I got the healthy ones (haha) the sign did say NO trans-fats!  As we made our way to the car, we got to wave to the tractor pulling people in from the parking lot, see the State Troopers car lights flashing, and see a field full of semi-trucks parked by Crew Stadium. 

In our almost 2 hour stay, I'm most certain we missed 85% of the fair excitement!  We will be heading back before it's over, August 3, 2014.  Hope you get to check it out too!



Bathtime Rave!

Daddy always comes up with the most fun activities!  He started performing light shows for Ivan by swinging and dancing around with glow-sticks ... you know, the ones you could buy for $5 a piece during firework shows or concerts to wear around your neck as a kid!  In the spirit of trying to be fun myself, I ordered a tube of necklace length glow-sticks from Amazon for one of Daddy's Christmas presents (who knew how easy they are to find!) and the sporadic light shows continued ...

One night I was giving Ivan a bath and of course, I am not as entertaining as Daddy can be, nor was I ready for him to come out of the tub ... then a LIGHT BULB went OFF (in my head)!  Light show in the tub!!!  And that's how the bath time rave was born.  See!  Mommies can be fun too!  

Ivan swimming in the tub with a beach ball + glow-stick; and singular glow-sticks in varying lengths (all from Five Below)

After my Amazon purchase of the tube of necklace length glow-sticks I have also had luck finding glow-sticks at Target (in the $1 bins near the front door) as well as super cool glow-in-the-dark sticks, balls, etc at Five Below stores.

Trick for accomplishing kitchen chores with a busy one year old

The simplest tasks such as folding laundry, cooking dinner, or washing dishes have become some of the most difficult things I am challenged with daily as a new mom!  The constant distraction of a newly walking tot can be, well, quite interesting to say the least.

Ivan became very interested in what was in kitchen cupboards around his first birthday ... how to open them, what was inside, and was quite helpful at rearranging items from shelf to shelf.  One of the more popular activities: empty out the entire cupboard of Tupperware/plastic containers.  I quickly learned to put all the lids on each container.  This took up more room than my typical stacking arrangement, however, I wasn't as concerned with him emptying the entire cupboard and then needing to wash everything his slimy hands touched.

One day while trying to be productive in the kitchen, I took the risk of the potential mess vs. the chaos he could ensue left unattended and gave Ivan some fun kitchen accessories (stainless steel bowl, plastic wine glass, large spoon, etc).  Then, I dumped some Cheerios and Rice Krispies in the containers and let him go! 

How fast and easy I made a sensory and motor skills activity that also provided a snack and allowed me the full use of both hands for 15-20 min.  WIN for Mommy!!  There was a bit of a mess after, but I got what I was doing in the kitchen done, and clean up was a breeze ... Isabelle even helped!

This game NEVER gets old!

Fun on the Scioto Mile ... pack a TOWEL! life in Columbus, Ohio

Time flies when you are chasing a 16 month around!  We recently went on spring break vacation in Florida and have solidified Ivan's LOVE of water!  Fountains, pools, faucets ... he is not choosy, just wants to be IN the water NOW.

My new Mommy tip of the week: With the nice weather upon us, DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT A TOWEL! 

We have an amazing downtown area in Columbus called The Scioto Mile.  I thought it might be fun to go walk around the park and see the fountains ... Ivan had other ideas!  Luckily I had a swim diaper in the diaper bag left over from vacation and an extra change of clothes!  Wish I had had 4 hands so I could have taken a video ... this baby had a BLAST!

Happy Spring!

A surprising 78 degrees makes everything better!  Ivan, 16 months