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No sugar added, Apple Pie Oatmeal for a healthy breakfast

Fall brings changing leaves, pumpkins & APPLES!  In Ivan's class for the month of October they studies the life cycles and all things apples & pumpkins.  I believe this has spurred his new phase of apple everything!  

We were finding ourselves in a slump of breakfast foods.  He seems to get on something and want it daily, then not at all!  Looking at all the apples sitting around, I peeled a few, diced them up and put them on the stove with some cinnamon, splash of water, and few lemon juice squirts.  I then mixed up in his oatmeal (added butter and unsweetened almond milk to the oats) for "apple pie oatmeal"

He licks the bowl clean every time ... and the kitchen smells warm and delicious in the morning!

After realizing what a hit this actually was, I have now started doing 3-4 apples at a time and leave in the fridge for a faster morning routine.  I simply warm the apples separate from the oatmeal and then combine.  Still smells good 😊