Soon to be a new Mom? Be prepared for the unexpected ... sign up for Amazon Prime!

6 weeks early was quite the surprise!!!  Ivan was due January 14 so it's no surprise that when my water broke December 5 there were no holiday presents purchased, no baby clothes washed, not even a bassinet in the house! 

Next problem, STUFF!  Christmas gifts, holiday decorations AND all the stuff I didn't get at my baby showers that I didn't even know I was going to need.  Somehow I found Amazon Prime.  Free shipping on Prime purchases, no tax and diapers delivered to my door without me having to think about it!  YES PLEASE.  I can assure you I have more than gotten my money's worth from the free shipping alone!

Hey new Mommies, make it as easy on yourself as you can!  For me, having the basics delivered makes a noticeable difference - and it's even more cost effective!

The moment you've been waiting for ... anything can happen now!!!

The moment you've been waiting for ... anything can happen now!!!

Congratulations ... YOU'RE HIRED! How the heck can a mother have it all ....

They say having a kid changes everything ... before that kid arrives that sounds ... like it sounds.  There is no way you can translate that feeling to someone until they have the cement shoes on of motherhood (and I say that endearingly)!  Before I became a mother myself, I remember being annoyed at my sister (mother of two) telling me "just you wait ... !"

Trying to balance feeling productive, being a supportive wife and good mother is often OVERWHELMING to say the least!  I was seeking something to do that would deliver the feeling of accomplishment, be mentally stimulating, provide adult conversation/interaction AND give me a break in the day from the never-ending cycle of dirty clothes, dishes, diapers and dog poo ... perhaps I'm asking for too much???

One day, while browsing LinkedIn, I noticed a posting announcing a job that pre-motherhood, would have been a dream opportunity for me.  I applied and was hired!  Challenge & mental stimulation ... CHECK!  Adult Interaction ... CHECK!  The ability to manage home and full-time work ... FAIL!  Two weeks in I found myself busting out in tears (twice in the second week) for no reason what-so-ever!  I simply knew this wasn't working - it felt wrong in so many ways!  Still not sleeping for a consecutive 7/8 hours a night since my nugget arrived was causing complete exhaustion.  Exhaustion is LITERALLY a killer!  and it HURTS.  It causes terrible side effects including: depression; impairs judgement; forgetfulness; anxiety; and on and on!  I was experiencing all listed side effects and more!  ENOUGH.

I know so many women that work full time and have young kids ... seriously, HOW DO THEY DO IT?  Could I be a complete wimp?  Definitely a possibility, but I don't think so ... These women make it look so easy ... I've got to be missing something ...  

While attending a local women in business luncheon, the key note was the President of her family business and was talking about leadership, her role, the usual and then she touched upon being a mother of 4.  She also said she regularly missed school functions, sporting events, and so on, due to the demands of her work responsibilities.

There it is!  FINALLY some truth.  I'm so sick of women painting this glamorous picture of work and motherhood with such ease.  We are only hurting ourselves by not sharing the detail on HOW to balance work and home.  WHAT EXACTLY does that support system look like ex. nannies, house cleaners, etc.  Let's be realistic there is only 24 hours in everyone's day ... unless that's the part I am missing ... WINK!  This was the FIRST time I've heard the acknowledgement of a sacrifice being made. 

And then right then, I began thinking about what sacrifices I was willing to make with regards to my time spent with family to pursue things outside of my role as mother and wife.  For me, the easiest thing to do was to start backwards ... What did I want my home life to look like?  What did I want to be present for and what things/times was I willing to give up/share.  I dialed that in and then sat back and enjoyed my boy.  I took the summer off and Ivan and I spent our days feeding giraffe's, catching butterflies, playing in parks and frequenting the pool.  We took a road trip to NYC to visit Aunt Emilee and enjoyed our time.  That fall (Ivan was approx. 20 months), a seemingly perfect work situation presented itself and I've been balancing home and work with much more ease. 

There are still so many challenges surrounding the fine tuning of my work/life balance, but for the most part, I'm enjoying HAVING IT ALL!

Ivan and Isabelle ...

Ivan and Isabelle ...

Fun on the Scioto Mile ... pack a TOWEL! life in Columbus, Ohio

Time flies when you are chasing a 16 month around!  We recently went on spring break vacation in Florida and have solidified Ivan's LOVE of water!  Fountains, pools, faucets ... he is not choosy, just wants to be IN the water NOW.

My new Mommy tip of the week: With the nice weather upon us, DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT A TOWEL! 

We have an amazing downtown area in Columbus called The Scioto Mile.  I thought it might be fun to go walk around the park and see the fountains ... Ivan had other ideas!  Luckily I had a swim diaper in the diaper bag left over from vacation and an extra change of clothes!  Wish I had had 4 hands so I could have taken a video ... this baby had a BLAST!

Happy Spring!

A surprising 78 degrees makes everything better!  Ivan, 16 months

Thank goodness for white vinegar!

There was a day not long ago when I was precise about removing the clothes from the dryer as soon as the cycle finished.  Prior to folding, I would immediately shake out all shirts and lay them flat so everything would stay wrinkle free.  Each item would be neatly folded and carefully placed - usually in color coded sequence - in the closet.  Ahhh how those days are long over ... Enter IVAN (motherhood).  Laundry these days usually sits for 12-24 hours in the basket after leaving the dryer.  It is still neatly folded, however, once it hits the drawers it is usually re-arranged by a busy 13 month old.  Bras end up in the sock drawer, socks behind the mirror, my husbands neatly color coded underwear and sock drawer look like the dryer spit them straight into his drawer.

Motherhood changes oh so many things ... it's the things like the impact on a simple load of laundry that surprise me most!  I often joke that I didn't read the fine print on this mommy thing!  Quite an extraordinary adventure we are on, Mother & Son.  Everything appears to be the same, BUT it is not!  The degree of difficulty to do the smallest chores, like a load of laundry, have created another set of challenges.  At my baby shower, guests were asked to write advice for a new mother (me) on a note card ... I think back to the advice written and the advice I can now share.  Close to the top of the list I hope to pass along: white vinegar added to the wash cycle will remove the moldy smell created by towels that have been damp too long, or that load of laundry you washed and forgot about!
