Just the title, “The Terrible Two’s” had me considering motherhood at a time … I guess it’s the word, TERRIBLE that I’m taking issue with (this coming from the mother of an Ivan, wink!).
A lil’history lesson for you … Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of All the Russias, was known (in Russian) as Ivan Grozny. Vladimir Dal (one of the greatest Russian language lexicographers) defines grozny as an adjective for tsars: "courageous, magnificent, magisterial, and keeping enemies in fear, but people in obedience"
V. Dal’s translation of TERRIBLE I can agree with in describing my sweet 2 year old. COURAGEOUS: Yes! A two year old will try just about anything! MAGNIFICENT: Yes! Ivan might be the most “impressively beautiful” creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. MAGISTERIAL: Certainly! His authority reigns the roost. Re: FEARFUL ENEMIES/OBEDIENT FOLLOWERS (I’ll consider myself one in his kingdom): Defiantly! Ringing ears is the most common punishment of not interpreting the cave-man language.
The hardest part about being two (and dealing with a 2 year old) is communication! They are just learning words and know exactly what they want and how they want it, it just doesn't come out of their mouths that way. The challenge (and at times the frustration) is understanding the language I call, Cave-Man.
An amazing & loving mother I know refers to her two-year old daughter as being in her TERRIFIC TWO’S #TerrificTwos ... I just love that!
Terrific, Magnificent and Perfect in every way … And only 365 days to enjoy!