Library books to check out! Great books for preschool aged kids

Once Ivan finds a book he likes, he LOVES it.  Which means we read it over, and over, and over again!  Nothing worse than him locking onto a book that is dreadful to read!  I defiantly have my favorites ... and may or may not be responsible for books that have disappeared in the past ...

When we visit the library, I try to skim the books we check out in the attempts to find GOOD ones ... meaning, we will both enjoy them!

Here are two GEMS that shined from our last library outing.  Worth hunting down at a library near you (If you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, you can reserve online here Billions of Bricks & The Lion Inside)

Billions of Bricks, by Kurt Cyrus

Billions of Bricks, by Kurt Cyrus

WHY we love Billions of Bricks: Rhyming, Counting, Process, Construction + Building, & STEM

The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright

The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright

WHY we love The Lion Inside: Beautiful illustrations, great story about different perspectives!

Places to go with toddlers aged kids in Columbus, Ohio during the winter months. Our favorite outings

Toddler by definition: 12 - 36 months | 1-3 year old
Most of these are obvious, but all of them are Ivan approved!  Get out there and have some FUN ...

COSI | Columbus, Ohio - Large open spaces filled with wonderful sights for little (& big) eyes!  KidSpace is a great indoor playground with water tables, Practical Life areas, and all kinds of sensory things to discover.  With a Premium Family Membership, you can get into KidSpace at 9 am on weekdays (10 am without).  Bring a packed lunch and eat in the cafeteria and/or partake in the cafetaria.  They have healthy options (grilled chicken, pasta, salad, cut veg, yogurt, etc) along with the usual kid choices - mac n cheese, chicken fingers, and fries.

Daddy's Office Hallways - My husband calls it "running the bull" ... this lil'man of ours, has a TON of energy and being stuck indoors makes getting all the gitters out, OUT.  We defiantly too advantage of the evening and weekend hours in long hallways to drive mini power-wheels, scooters & RUN.  Get creative - you might have access to heated spaces you are not considering!

After hours at Daddy's office

After hours at Daddy's office

Firehouse Museum | 260 N. Fourth Street, Columbus, Ohio - I credit a former Sitter for this gem.  Found Downtown Columbus, this small & quaint firehouse museum has dress up gear, a pole to slide down and buttons to push.  What more do you need?!

Fire Chief, Ivan to the rescue!

Fire Chief, Ivan to the rescue!

Franklin Park Conservatory | Columbus, Ohio - HUGE fans of Franklin Park ... probably my absolute favorite.  The humid air, flowers 24/7/365 and ever changing exhibits win me over!  Ivan is now 4 years old, and in the past 4 years, it seems to me they have done an exceptional job at adding more Family/Children Programming.  Most weekends they have special shows or guest visitors that are included in admission (some crafts come with a $2 or $3 fee).  If you're not a member, consider looking at that option - it works out being MUCH CHEAPER if you go only a half doz times!!

Gymboree Play & Music | Gahanna, Ohio - This was probably Ivan's #1 favorite pick!  We tried an art and/or music class, but he was all about the gym.  Walking past the gym and going into the art/music room was enough to get him to scale the walls, so we don't have much experience in there (other than when he was a baby).  For a time he participated in a weekly class and we also took advantage of the Open Gym times.  We also went through a phase of just doing the Open Gym pass (about 1/2 price) because he was more interested in FREE play than participating in the group.  Check them out - they usually do unlimited classes in the months of Jan and Feb.

Indoor Pool Near You - we liked Westerville Rec Center because it was close for us!  They have a Pre-School Swim for 6 yrs and under most weekday mornings.  There is also an indoor playground in the lobby with big slide!

Library Story-times | Greater Columbus, Ohio -  Ivan wasn't much for sitting still (as you can probably guess), but I liked how they did a story, then songs and had sensory items for them to play with, so wiggles were anticipated and welcomed!  Check link above for times and programs at your neighborhood branch!

Lil Kickers Soccer | Gahanna, Ohio - Ivan started at the ripe ol'age of 18 months and has been loving it!  The BUNNIES class (18-24 months) is a Parent-Child class that is played on an indoor soccer field and uses bubbles, parachutes, balls, cones, and more to promotes balance and coordination (Classes for kids without a care giver start at 3 yrs).  We've always had very passionate and patient coaches and a great overall experience with Four Seasons, Lil Kickers in Gahanna.  We've even had Ivan's 3rd Birthday Bast there ... bounce house and all!!

Polaris Mall | Columbus, Ohio - and NO not the germ infested play area (although after some time, he remembered about that place and demanded we stop ... there is a restroom nearby so you can soap and water hands immediately after!)  Our Polaris Mall loop happened by accident but works out great every time!  We park on the upstairs of Von Mar (usually spots near the door) and stop by the kids section for the train table.  I've also found some great shoes for him there - they seem to always have a great selection for kids shoes!  After Von Mar we walk down to Pottery Barn Kids (turn left out of Von Mar) and go play in there.  An Ivan fav are the doll strollers!  Next Disney Store.  Seems crazy, but 30-45 min have already passed!  I bring the stroller along for snacks, coats and tired legs.  And if I must, the play area downstairs below the Disney Store!

Polaris Mall, Von Mar kids department

Polaris Mall, Von Mar kids department

Ride the Cbus | Short North, Columbus, Ohio - Ivan had a BUS obsession phase.  One day I could not hear the word "bus" come out of him mouth one more time!!!  I pulled the route up online and decided to give him what he was demanding so!  The C-BUS is Columbus's FREE downtown circular that stops at each stop every 10-15 minutes (map on like above).  I wasn't sure how long he would sit, if this was a good idea and it was cold outside ... SO, we parked at a meter right next to a stop (LUCKY MOMENT).  We sat and waited for a few min, when I saw the bus approaching in the rear view mirror, we popped out and jumped on.  Our driver was super sweet, there was only 1 or 2 other people on it the entire time and we had a blast.  We did not do the entire loop (too long for this bus fan) but we simply walked across High Street at one stop to go back to the car.  Operation Bus Ride complete!

"bus, bus, BUS!!!"

"bus, bus, BUS!!!"

Skyzone | Lewis Center, Ohio - Toddler Time, Tuesdays 9:30-11 am & Sunday mornings, last I checked!  An ocean of trampolines and a foam pit for 5 yrs and under ... What more could you want!  Happy nap-time after this outing.

Toddler Time a SkyZone

Toddler Time a SkyZone

Columbus Zoo | Dublin, Ohio - Oh the magical Columbus Zoo!  Probably my Mommy #2 favorite on the list.  Unseasonably warm days (like last weekend) are great winter days to visit.  We went last weekend, and all the animals were moving around.  We got to see more action from them than normal!  I've found this to be true on cooler days .... it was approx 55 degrees.  The Red Panda's were jumping about in their tree house ... Ivan was especially impressed with their digs and the Solar Bear was prancing around.  Those are 2 exhibits I can't say I ever remember seeing much activity from!  Come March 2017 The Little Explorer's Base Camps start back up.  Not enough words to express how amazing the Columbus Zoo and it's programs are!  

Beautiful Day at the Columbus Zoo

Beautiful Day at the Columbus Zoo

And perhaps there are some new spots that have popped up ... check out Macaroni Kids list here

secrets to being a productive Mommy!

Recently I was asked, how being a Mother has changed me.  Well ... where do I start?!  Previous to Motherhood, I use to remove the clothes from the dryer, promptly after the BUZZZ ... I would not stop/rest until whatever I was working on or the mess I was organizing/cleaning was complete.  

Enter Motherhood ... if the clothes are clean, but successfully dry in a pile in the basket, GREAT!  If it's not imperative for that chore to be done now, then it can wait!

When it comes to work stuff, the best practice I have learned (pre-Motherhood) was to do the top 2-3 things on your to do list that you were dreading the least, FIRST!  As much as I hate this little golden rule, IT WORKS!  In Travis Bradberry's article, 11 Things Ultra Productive People Do Differently, he calls this "EATING FROGS" ... Love the "They Delegate" mention ... more to come on this topic re: hiring childcare!

Bottom line, we all have 24 hours in our days and some need more sleep than others.  I'm a 8-hour-to-function kinda of lady ... this can be challenging with a dog that has a chronic cough and being a working Mother to a 2 year old ... did I mention I also have a Husband!  But I have discovered if I can organize myself a bit, things do get easier, and the easier I can make this wonderful world of Motherhood, the more FUN I'm able to experience!

My short list of how to be a productive Mommy:
*Make ONE list!  (I use to have multiple lists and that is just LAZY PROCRASTINATION in full effect!)
*If it can wait until tomorrow, it probably can.
*In this brief moment of downtime (naptime, playing with others, etc) what on my list of "to do's" that is MUCH easier to do while Ivan is asleep vs. awake?  That takes priority - it's usually my FROG!
*Limit checking of (work) email to dedicated times that you can focus on work and respond/handle any issues asap.  I refer to as hitting the ball over the net - as long as it's out of my court, I'm good!  Travis's #7
*Find some downtime for yourself ... even if it means reading a book or magazine while doing cardio, etc.  I'm offically not agreeing with Travis's don't multi-task.  Mothers were built to do so!
*If you have in-home childcare/nanny, delegate any and all chores you can for them to help with ~ especially if you child takes 3+ hour naps like mine!

and the MOST productive time of the day ... NAPTIME!  and if I'm not home during naptime, it's the time I have his nanny helping me any way she can with house-chores!  Go TEAM ;)

and the MOST productive time of the day ... NAPTIME!  and if I'm not home during naptime, it's the time I have his nanny helping me any way she can with house-chores!  Go TEAM ;)

and in the most hectic of times, ALWAYS TRY to remember, as Trace Adkins sings it best, "You're Gonna Miss This"


Mother's Day LOVE

This year marks my third year celebrating Mother's Day!  It's been an amazing 2.5 joyous years of disrupted sleep, ear-to-ear smiles and a LOVE so BIG I could explode from time to time!

So many things have changed with Motherhood ... more than I could have digested being on the other side of giving birth!  It is true what they say ... it changes EVERYTHING!  The perspective I now have of Mothers has been eye opening.  I always knew how important Mom's were - I knew how truly LUCKY I was to come from generations of such LOVING, caring and nurturing Mothers/Grandmothers - but now to look around at the bi-products of amazing Mothers, it's beautiful to see what that LOVE can GROW.

Inspired by the street I grew up on, Letchworth Drive, some neighbors have helped me to conclude just how powerful the LOVE of a Mother can be.  At my childhood friend/neighbor (Adam's) Memorial Service, I could not help but to notice how truly exceptional he and his siblings were/are.  All full of LOVE & LIFE, gracious, patient and giving ... four children all this way?  How did their Mother do it?!  When I shared my observation with her, and asked how she was able to succeed in raising 4 amazing children, she told me she instilled in them family values, "I told them all they had was each other."  That emphasis on family values and LOVE shaped the way they live their lives and it's apparent to all whom cross their paths.

The other GINORMOUS story of a Mother's LOVE that comes from Letchworth Drive is Sarah Sanford.  Her an her husband, Vance, were unable to have children of their own when they decided to adopt.  Home to Letchworth Dr. came a little girl named Jane.  The family of three was complete ... almost!  And then the call that changed it all!  Jane's biological Mother was pregnant again and did not have the ability to care for the baby ... and the question asked, "are you interested in adopting again - Jane's biological brother?"  OF COURSE!  And the family of four was brought together!  (Read their story here in Sarah's own words!)

Jane & Jude's biological Mother not only was unable to care for her babies, she was also unable to care for herself while carrying them.  With no prenatal care or general well-being care for herself while pregnant, Jude suffered a stroke in utero which in turned caused him to develop a tremendous amount of physical challenges.  Told he may never walk, and a long laundry list of terrible expected physical outcomes, Sarah & Vance have tackled some hurdles no parent or child should have to face!  They have provided endless LOVE, support and dedication to caring for the children and especially aiding Jude in overcoming the tremendous hurdles he was faced with from the moment he was conceived.

That LOVE makes me speechless.  Sarah's LOVE brings me to tears.  She has a LOVE BIG enough for a family of four and carries the weight of their world on her back.  In and out of the hospital, to therapy, to medical treatments, up all night, and facing and dealing with the scariest healthcare situations for her little one you could imagine are all in a days work for this Momma.

Sarah's LOVE has changed the course of the world for Jane and Jude.  She has busted a cycle of unhealthy patterns and given these two lives a LOVE they would not have otherwise known in their early lives.  I have seen similar patterns broken in my own family - and all it takes is a Sarah that has a LOVE so BIG and STUBBORN it will not allow anything but LOVE to survive.

Thank you to the wonderful and amazing woman I call Mom.  Thank you to my beyond amazing 98 year old Granny for providing our family with generations of unwavering LOVE.  And most importantly THANK YOU to all the Mother's in my world that inspire me to be patient and LOVING during the sleep-deprived & challenging times.

Four Generations on Ivan's maternal side!  photo taken by EmileeRamsierPhotography, April 2013

A little LOVE can ago a long way ... and so I ask, if you feel so inclined to donate a few dollars to the pot!  The goal is to raise some change to give Sarah Sanford a Mother's Day serenade!  With the monies collected she has to spend it on treating herself!!  Pedicure, nails, cleaning service, date out with her hubby, etc!  Visit here to donate

The sweetest Mom I know, on the street I grew up on with two of the LUCKIEST children in the whole wide world!  Jane, Sarah & Jude

The sweetest Mom I know, on the street I grew up on with two of the LUCKIEST children in the whole wide world!  Jane, Sarah & Jude

Sunscreen is cool ... thanks to Elmo!

Two year old's have a mind of their own ... And an unnecessary pit stop for sunscreen before play seems absolutely ridiculous and unreasonable! 

Last year before our annual spring break beach get-a-way I started showing Ivan Elmo's World, Summer Vacation.  After the segment about the beach there is a segment about skin, which mentions sunscreen and having to wear hats to the beach.  This year while getting ready to go play in the sun, I was surprised to hear Ivan say, "Elmo sunscreen" as I was applying his sunscreen.  It was an OK activity because Elmo said so - Thank you Elmo, XO!

(Knock on wood) Ivan has been a dream about putting sunscreen on his pale little self, face and all, and never complains about wearing a hat!

I've read articles about not showing kids media before the age of 2, but for us, everything in moderation!  Elmo has single-handily helped with so much - and now I can credit him for the most important thing for a sweet ginger in the summertime .... SUNSCREEN!


Places to go in Columbus, Ohio with your 6-9 month old

A dear friend recently asked me for suggestions of places to take her darling 6 month old in Columbus, Ohio.  That got me thinking of all the FUN FIRST places and activities Ivan and I visited together ...

Walks.  Stroller walks.  Baby Bjorn carrier walks.  Walking Isabelle.  Walking around Franklin Park Conservatory – and it’s prime time for a trip there, the butterflies are a flutter!  The Columbus Zoo is also a wonderful place to walk.  Not too much (aside from the active fish) to attract the eye of a 6 month old, but it’s a great location to scope out different stroller models and other parenting accessories that may make future outings easier!  There are TONS of great parks and hiking trails and just in time for SPRING!

Gymboree Play & Music – located in Gahanna, Ohio – this is still one of our favorite places to play!  They have music, art and gym classes as well as open gym times that are open for all to play!  Level 1 is for ages 0-6 months, so they are ready for you when you get there!!

Columbus Metropolitan Library has wonderful storytime’s for all ages … starting with Baby Laptime, 0-18 months.  I remember being quite impressed at our first Baby Laptime.  They read books, played music and even had toys and musical instruments to interact with.

Mommy and Me classes … such as Mommy and me yoga offered by Yoga on High

Swimming.  While no activity lasts too long at approx. 6 months, it’s fun to get the sensation of water be it at home or away ... there are lots of neighborhood pools around and Ivan turned his water table into a swimming pool at first!

Painting.  Finger painting.  Painting with different objects – sponges, toys feet, cars wheels, cotton balls, anything you can imagine ...  This messy project might only last 60 seconds, but when you start little by little the love of colors, creating and stimulating the senses add up to a brilliant happy child!  Art with Anna is a Columbus, Ohio art studio for kids.  Ages 4+ can be dropped off for various events – and everyone is welcome during open studio sessions to partake in all the studio has to offer!

baby outings in columbus, ohio

Get out and enjoy the world through your little one’s eyes … it’s a wonderful world out there!!

Getting creative indoors ... Plastic Easter-egg fun!

Ivan is well versed at watching YouTube on the iPad.  Recently he has discovered quite a lot of videos of people opening plastic eggs to find random things inside.  It's amazing how he will watch them and interesting to hear him learning his colors in doing so!

Now that Easter is approaching, I was able to find those plastic eggs at the store.  We have had a lot of fun playing with them in all sorts of creative ways - and I'm surprised to report they keep him busy for twice as long as I would have guessed!

BEANS IN THE KITCHEN - Ivan has a cupboard with a plastic mixing bowl and dry mix of beans (kidney, black and white beans).  We have been playing with those for the past 6+ months, pouring them into different sized containers, spooning them into muffin and mini-cupcake tins etc.  Add the plastic egg's and we've kicked the bean game up a notch!  I fill the eggs with a bean mixture and place them in the mini-muffin bake tray.  Ivan then opens the egg and dumps the beans into the mixing bowl.  This is a great game to play for counting and learning colors!

WATER IN THE BATHTUB - On the first evening of the eggs + beans the egg's had to go into the tubby for Ivan to go into the tubby!  Fill with water, open & dump.  Sounds pretty straight forward but you can search for colors and opening the eggs is a lot more fun than it sounds!!

PLAY-DOUGH WRAPPED EGGS - YouTube inspired, we brought the eggs into a play-dough session at Grammy's on a snowy Saturday morning!  I couldn't wrap them fast enough ... he LOVED opening them and getting the play-dough ball out from the inside.  Aside from keeping him entertained, this was yet another way to reinforce his colors - although I think he's got them down!  ... Perhaps I need to find some pastel eggs to elaborate on his color palettes! 

Playing with play-dough wrapped plastic eggs at Grammy's house

Playing with play-dough wrapped plastic eggs at Grammy's house

PASTA SHAPES IN HIS PLAY KITCHEN - I think I may have exhausted the egg play ... I got different shaped dry pasta and filled the eggs in his play kitchen.  I think part of the thrill here was dry pasta in his pots and pans!  He counted to 8 all by himself, clear as day!  That was worth the pasta on the floor!

Ivan playing with dry pasta & plastic eggs in his play kitchen.  Great for learning numbers & colors!

Ivan playing with dry pasta & plastic eggs in his play kitchen.  Great for learning numbers & colors!

How to survive an Ohio winter with a toddler

It's March in Ohio.  Most days are cold and gray and all the pretty shoes are tucked away.  Everyone is starting to get restless.  Isabelle needs to run.  Ivan needs to run.  I need some fresh air ... AHHHH.  BUT the good news is I think Ivan and I discovered the secret to surviving the tail end of winter this weekend ... LOOK FOR SPRING! 

This past weekend Franklin Park Conservatory & Botanical Gardens opened the Blooms & Butterflies exhibit, which made it very easy to start LOOKING for spring!  We then went for a walk (in 45 degree heat wave) and found some great puddles to JUMP in!

Ivan getting the mileage out of his (waterproof) winter boots puddle jumping!  Him and Izzy have more in common every day!

Ivan getting the mileage out of his (waterproof) winter boots puddle jumping!  Him and Izzy have more in common every day!

ENJOY WHAT WINTER HAS TO OFFER ... we made sure to build a snow man, play in his sled (I am no Alaskan Husky, contrary to Ivan's ideas), go skiing, perfecting hot chocolate and getting super creative indoors.

Last ski of the season at Snowtrails in Mansfield, Ohio

Last ski of the season at Snowtrails in Mansfield, Ohio

I am definitely looking forward to spring break and the leaves to return to the trees ... yet in doing so, trying hard not to wish time away!!

taking a break from a tough game of indoor hockey to catch up on his YouTube ABC video's

taking a break from a tough game of indoor hockey to catch up on his YouTube ABC video's

Cookies made with Agave syrup

We have been trying to avoid excess processed sugar in Ivan's diet, and have done well so far!  I use to bake blueberries and puree to use as a topping for his waffles.  Now we are onto pancakes. I have most recently began using Agave Nectar Maple syrup.  I lightly butter and syrup the pancake before cutting so I don't need to pour more syrup than necessary!

In searching for another cookie recipe that might work for all of us, I found one that I like maybe too much!

1 cup oatmeal
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup oil (I used olive oil, only because it's all we had!)
1/2 cup agave maple syrup
1/2 cut ground walnuts (or almonds)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Bake at 350 for 12 min

So why agave syrup/nectar?  The Aztecs referred to agave nectar as "honey water".  Sweeter than refined sugars and with a lower glycemic profile.  For me, this is a better option than refined sugars.

One of the most health-promoting properties of agave nectar is its favorable glycemic profile. Its sweetness comes primarily from a complex form of fructose called inulin. Fructose is the sugar that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables. The carbohydrate in agave nectar has a low glycemic index, which provides sweetness without the unpleasant “sugar rush” and unhealthful blood sugar spike caused by many other sugars.

They are crispier than soft, but have a great flavor.  Not too sweet, but just right!  I'm happy the walnuts are in there, as well as the fats from the oil.  These may not be loaded with vegetables, but they are "healthy" cookies to me!

I can always count on my 2 kitchen helpers ... Ivan and Isabelle

I can always count on my 2 kitchen helpers ... Ivan and Isabelle

Soon to be a new Mom? Be prepared for the unexpected ... sign up for Amazon Prime!

6 weeks early was quite the surprise!!!  Ivan was due January 14 so it's no surprise that when my water broke December 5 there were no holiday presents purchased, no baby clothes washed, not even a bassinet in the house! 

Next problem, STUFF!  Christmas gifts, holiday decorations AND all the stuff I didn't get at my baby showers that I didn't even know I was going to need.  Somehow I found Amazon Prime.  Free shipping on Prime purchases, no tax and diapers delivered to my door without me having to think about it!  YES PLEASE.  I can assure you I have more than gotten my money's worth from the free shipping alone!

Hey new Mommies, make it as easy on yourself as you can!  For me, having the basics delivered makes a noticeable difference - and it's even more cost effective!

The moment you've been waiting for ... anything can happen now!!!

The moment you've been waiting for ... anything can happen now!!!

honesty IS the best policy

Aside from "wash your hands," "Honesty is the best policy" is nearing the top of my Mommy nag list!

The past 13 months have been quite the learning curve ... from, "WOW, I didn't know my body could do that!" to learning the finer distinctions between brands of diapers & clothes, to being an expert daycare examiner.

It has been quite disappointing how people have masked the TRUE challenges of the early days of parenthood ... this I call the fine Print!  I've never heard anyone paint a candid, honest, picture of how baby #1 will alter your universe!  OR perhaps I was just not listing?!

Enter the first HONEST couple last night over dinner :: "We don't know WTF we are doing!"  I was pleasantly surprised to hear a hilarious story of juggling working from home coordinating and the stresses of coordinating the mute button with a binkie!

Listen up new parents, this is uncharted territory for all involved ... why not call a spade a spade? 

I can finally breathe ... now what?!

I can finally breathe ... now what?!

Congratulations ... YOU'RE HIRED! How the heck can a mother have it all ....

They say having a kid changes everything ... before that kid arrives that sounds ... like it sounds.  There is no way you can translate that feeling to someone until they have the cement shoes on of motherhood (and I say that endearingly)!  Before I became a mother myself, I remember being annoyed at my sister (mother of two) telling me "just you wait ... !"

Trying to balance feeling productive, being a supportive wife and good mother is often OVERWHELMING to say the least!  I was seeking something to do that would deliver the feeling of accomplishment, be mentally stimulating, provide adult conversation/interaction AND give me a break in the day from the never-ending cycle of dirty clothes, dishes, diapers and dog poo ... perhaps I'm asking for too much???

One day, while browsing LinkedIn, I noticed a posting announcing a job that pre-motherhood, would have been a dream opportunity for me.  I applied and was hired!  Challenge & mental stimulation ... CHECK!  Adult Interaction ... CHECK!  The ability to manage home and full-time work ... FAIL!  Two weeks in I found myself busting out in tears (twice in the second week) for no reason what-so-ever!  I simply knew this wasn't working - it felt wrong in so many ways!  Still not sleeping for a consecutive 7/8 hours a night since my nugget arrived was causing complete exhaustion.  Exhaustion is LITERALLY a killer!  and it HURTS.  It causes terrible side effects including: depression; impairs judgement; forgetfulness; anxiety; and on and on!  I was experiencing all listed side effects and more!  ENOUGH.

I know so many women that work full time and have young kids ... seriously, HOW DO THEY DO IT?  Could I be a complete wimp?  Definitely a possibility, but I don't think so ... These women make it look so easy ... I've got to be missing something ...  

While attending a local women in business luncheon, the key note was the President of her family business and was talking about leadership, her role, the usual and then she touched upon being a mother of 4.  She also said she regularly missed school functions, sporting events, and so on, due to the demands of her work responsibilities.

There it is!  FINALLY some truth.  I'm so sick of women painting this glamorous picture of work and motherhood with such ease.  We are only hurting ourselves by not sharing the detail on HOW to balance work and home.  WHAT EXACTLY does that support system look like ex. nannies, house cleaners, etc.  Let's be realistic there is only 24 hours in everyone's day ... unless that's the part I am missing ... WINK!  This was the FIRST time I've heard the acknowledgement of a sacrifice being made. 

And then right then, I began thinking about what sacrifices I was willing to make with regards to my time spent with family to pursue things outside of my role as mother and wife.  For me, the easiest thing to do was to start backwards ... What did I want my home life to look like?  What did I want to be present for and what things/times was I willing to give up/share.  I dialed that in and then sat back and enjoyed my boy.  I took the summer off and Ivan and I spent our days feeding giraffe's, catching butterflies, playing in parks and frequenting the pool.  We took a road trip to NYC to visit Aunt Emilee and enjoyed our time.  That fall (Ivan was approx. 20 months), a seemingly perfect work situation presented itself and I've been balancing home and work with much more ease. 

There are still so many challenges surrounding the fine tuning of my work/life balance, but for the most part, I'm enjoying HAVING IT ALL!

Ivan and Isabelle ...

Ivan and Isabelle ...

There’s nothing terrible about the terrible two’s. Ivan the Terrible was MAGNIFICANT!

Just the title, “The Terrible Two’s” had me considering motherhood at a time … I guess it’s the word, TERRIBLE that I’m taking issue with (this coming from the mother of an Ivan, wink!). 

A lil’history lesson for you … Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of All the Russias, was known (in Russian) as Ivan Grozny.  Vladimir Dal (one of the greatest Russian language lexicographers) defines grozny as an adjective for tsars: "courageous, magnificent, magisterial, and keeping enemies in fear, but people in obedience"

V. Dal’s translation of TERRIBLE I can agree with in describing my sweet 2 year old.  COURAGEOUS: Yes!  A two year old will try just about anything!  MAGNIFICENT: Yes!  Ivan might be the most “impressively beautiful” creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.  MAGISTERIAL: Certainly!  His authority reigns the roost.  Re: FEARFUL ENEMIES/OBEDIENT FOLLOWERS (I’ll consider myself one in his kingdom): Defiantly!  Ringing ears is the most common punishment of not interpreting the cave-man language.    

The hardest part about being two (and dealing with a 2 year old) is communication!  They are just learning words and know exactly what they want and how they want it, it just doesn't come out of their mouths that way.  The challenge (and at times the frustration) is understanding the language I call, Cave-Man.   

An amazing & loving mother I know refers to her two-year old daughter as being in her TERRIFIC TWO’S #TerrificTwos ...  I just love that! 

 Terrific, Magnificent and Perfect in every way … And only 365 days to enjoy!

Hakuna Matata, C'est la vie!

I’ve heard other Mother’s explain this feeling exactly the same way (and have been slightly annoyed at how cliché it sounds) … “each phase my child enters - every stage and age - just gets better and better”. 

How can that be!? 

I look at elementary school aged kids and think, my 22 month old is so much more fun than you are!  Not long ago, I looked at my 6 month old and thought he was at such a better stage than that two year old across the room that was scaling the walls and screaming!

Or maybe it’s that every phase has its challenges so we welcome the next one with open arms!  Change IS good!  I’m so happy that the phase we are in, is the BEST one there is.  It means there are sunnier days ahead, ALWAYS.  And most importantly, LIFE IS GOOD.

Anything that goes "Brummm BRUMM" is of interest to Mr. Ivan!  This is the Jeep just past the giraffe exhibit in Africa at the Columbus Zoo

Anything that goes "Brummm BRUMM" is of interest to Mr. Ivan!  This is the Jeep just past the giraffe exhibit in Africa at the Columbus Zoo

YouTube to the rescue!

What an amazing resource YouTube is!  I love being able to elaborate on a subject with my (almost 2 year old) son with a quick and easy clip on YouTube.  It makes things come alive in a way that is thrilling to watch and can be a great distraction to get a quick diaper change done without getting poop EVERYWHERE!  Below I've included links to some of our favorite YouTube videos.

Ivan's progression of entertainment started with his LOVE of ELMO ... There are great videos that are only a few minutes long of the Elmo and friends singing.  I usually start with Elmo's Got the Moves and find great suggestions from there.

Hey, gingers stick together!!  Sesame Street LIVE Spring 2014

On vacation, Ivan started honing his love of the steering wheel and Daddy's "vroom" car!  We then progressed to Disney's Car's and Car's 2 movies.  As his love of motors started blossoming, MOTORCYCLES were the next item of interest.  We often visit our downtown area and walk up and down High Street watching the buses, motorcycles, and bicycles pass.  Now add in trains!  This YouTube video has the same effect as Baby Einstein on my lil'Einstein and the historic train engines are quite beautiful!

Earlier this week, we took Ivan to the first pre-season NHL Columbus Bluejackets game and while walking to the arena saw a train under the foot bridge.  That was obviously pretty LOUD and of course COOL!  Tonight we were in the same area and Ivan remembered the tracks.  He ran to the railing and couldn't understand where the "choochoo, choochoo, choochoo ... " was.  Not long after, we heard a train on a nearby track that we could not see.  The entire ride home, "choochoo, choochoo, choochoo ... " until I couldn't take it any longer!  I searched YouTube for train noises and found some pretty fun clips with amazing audio and video!  I can't believe it took me until tonight to really realize how amazing YouTube can be! 

Until our YouTube adventure this evening, Ivan has really only seen 1, maybe 2 real trains since he's been paying attention to them ... with the YouTube videos I can show him all kinds of trains (old and new) faster than we could sit an wait for the next train to pass.  I'm just loving watching the world unfold in his eyes ... !!

We have also found some video's that are great for learning ABC's, numbers, and colors.  The Pete the Cat book series is also a fun dance to get dressed to in the morning!

no sugar added cookies!

This recipe has been floating around on Facebook ... I tried it when Ivan was under a year old and Ivan has loved them ever since!  When I first started making them I made circles ... you know, COOKIES.  When I gave them to Ivan I had to tear them into bite sized bits because he would put the ENTIRE thing into his mouth.  With a full set of teeth now, I have begun making sticks/bars instead.  They are easier for him to hold onto and nibble on.

I mash the ripe bananas with a fork prior to adding the additional ingredients.  I like the banana to be creamy.

Here's what you'll need:

2 cups quick oatmeal (this is really the only thing I measure)
3 ripe bananas (smashed until creamy)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Every time I cook it's more like a science project ... I started making this recipe with exact measurements and have since just eye-balled it.  Sometimes I've forgotten the cinnamon and/or vanilla and it's hard to notice.  Occasionally I've also added finely ground walnuts for some extra brain power. 

Pre-heat your oven before you mix to approx 350-375 degrees.  Mix all ingredients until the mixture is not too runny, and not too thick (wow, I would make a horrible cook book author)! 

Shape to your desired outcome on a greased cookie sheet (I use a fork to scoop and shape).  Maybe due to my limited baking experience, I was ASSuming the cookies would rise or change shape in the oven.  With limited ingredients, they did not!  They come out the same way you put them in.  Just make sure each shape is about the same thickness to ensure evenly cooking them. 

make sure to grease the cookie sheet and not to keep them in too long ... they will get hard fast!

They should be done in about 20-30 minutes.  Careful not to bake too long, they can get hard fast.

I store them in a container in the refrigerator but they usually don't last long!  They also live in our freezer in a freezer Ziploc bag when we have a lot of ripe bananas laying around.

I've recently found myself eating a few of these for breakfast on the go!

you know you are a Mom when ...

Isabelle and I were leaving the office on our way to pick up Ivan from is morning at "school".  As we were getting into the car, the trash truck pulled up in the parking lot to empty the dumpster.  I had to stop myself from telling Isabelle (who was in my arms)

"LOOK!  It's a trash truck!" 


Am I creating a monster ... What is "spoiled," anyway?

Today I visited the State Fair twice!  That's a lot of corn dogs if you know what I mean ... In watching some of the competitions today, I could not help but feel bad for some of the animals.  This coming from a city girl that knows NOTHING about farming or raising farm animals.  I'm sure they were all properly loved and taken care of, but the simple tug on a horse that didn't want to go that way or a calf that wasn't interested in having his picture taken, or that brown bear that I KNOW didn't want to live in that trailer and travel the fair circuit made something inside of me squirm.  That got me to thinking about my own animal handling skills and knowledge (which more than a few around me say is ridiculous - and not in a good way). 

Isabelle ... clearly, she knows how to work it

Isabelle, my 9 year old Yorkshire Terrier is Queen.  She knows it, I know it, the rest of the family has not quite digested it.  So then I go from fair animals --> my treatment of animals (and admittedly Isabelle is SPOILED which can be beyond annoying to say the least these days, however, she did come by it honestly) to --> my treatment of Ivan ... OH GOODNESS ... is he doomed to be spoiled rotten?!

I'm of the belief "he's only 1 year old for 365 days," kids should get to be kids, and so on ... Life is too hard, and too fast, too soon.  So, between hugs, I am going to do my best to try to let him feel some pain and experience some contrast so he's able to be a functioning adult.  But until then, until the adult part (which I have 17 years to prepare for), I am going to love him and hug him and as some would say, SPOIL HIM!  (Guess this is my first formal apology to his future wife.) 

I've recently added this book to my reading list - To Safe for Their Own Good by Michael Ungar - I'm looking forward to learning what he has to say ... 

To be alive, we do need to experience risk, loss, and contrast in order to expand ... I know this, OH MY do I know this, and how painful that sounds to watch!!!  ... Holy Motherhood ;)

Feeding toddlers ... my tasty and easy chicken recipe

Trying to feed toddler can be a trying adventure ... they like it today, throw it on the floor the next!  About 8-9 months months ago, Ivan was less than impressed with any protein sources I presented so I came up with a match made in heaven ... dark meat chicken & Ritz crackers!

TO MAKE: Combine 1 beaten egg, about 1/2 sleeve crushed Hint of Salt Ritz crackers with 1-1.5 lbs of ground chicken.  Form into patty's and cook on a skillet with olive oil.

combine crumbled Ritz, chicken & beaten egg before placing in the skillet

I keep patties in the refrigerator or freezer and warm in the microwave for approx 25 seconds for meals as needed.  Sometimes I cut the patties into strips, or just serve in bit size squares ... Ivan loves them!!

Located in Columbus, Ohio, I choose to buy grass-fed and free-range organic chicken that can be found from both North Market Poultry & Game (they seem to always have dark meat chicken ground on hand) as well as Oink Moo Cluck Farms (I've only sourced from here twice and have liked the meat ... it seems to have more white meat in the ground mixture which makes the patties a bit more firm).  Oink Moo Cluck is regularly found at neighborhood farmers markets such as: New Albany Farmers Market & Clintonville Farmers Market and their website says they deliver!


Fun things for toddlers to explore at the Ohio State Fair 2014

This morning we ventured out to The Ohio State Fair, the gates open at 9 am and we got there shortly after.  Admission is $10 for 13-59 yrs and kids under 5 are FREE.  Kroger sells the 13-59 year old tickets for $6, so plan ahead!

In each and every direction there was SOMETHING interesting and magical to look at ... we got to see the Budweiser Clydesdale's getting their morning exercise.  There were being walked, 4 at a time, behind their stalls so we got to get as close as we were brave (there was a lot of flying poop going on!) 

Colorful action EVERYWHERE ... Ivan was loving all the support vehicles buzzing around!

I could not help but to notice the "LOST KIDS BOOTH" ... I wasn't quite sure this was an option, but apparently you can rely on the Ohio State Troopers to help babysit!  Who knew?!

In the Kiddie Land section, Ivan had a blast watching all the rides zipping around.  He was getting quite sluggish with all the cool fresh air (and nap-time nearing) but he perked right up in Kiddie Land ... I'm not sure if it was all the kiddie-energy or the aroma of cotton candy filling the air that got him!  36" was the height restriction for most rides ... If he can pull off 3-4" in the next 365 days our trip to the fair will be quite different next year!

Ivan playing in the JD Equipment tent - Running with the Bulls!

On our way out we had to have some french fries and of course I got the healthy ones (haha) the sign did say NO trans-fats!  As we made our way to the car, we got to wave to the tractor pulling people in from the parking lot, see the State Troopers car lights flashing, and see a field full of semi-trucks parked by Crew Stadium. 

In our almost 2 hour stay, I'm most certain we missed 85% of the fair excitement!  We will be heading back before it's over, August 3, 2014.  Hope you get to check it out too!