Planting seeds at home for kids - it's officially springtime get growing!!

This might be the easiest part of gardening! Pop a seed in and let it GROW. Super fun for kids to do and watch their little loves grow into something delicious 🥕🥒🌶 The garden is always a wonderful way to get kids to eat vegetables.

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Happy mother’s day scavenger hunt for kids

The FUN parts of motherhood include hearing your child laugh and watch them filled with joy and wonder! For my 7 year old, first grader scavenger hunts are a hit. I’ve make this years available for a FREE download. Simply download, edit, print and away they go!! Have a Happy Mothers Day weekend Ladies, you deserve it 💐😘

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Northeast Columbus's secret spot for FRESH FOOD :: Local Organic Gerber Chicken, fresh vegetables, frozen fruit and MORE!!

Great spot in Columbus, Ohio to find FRESH & HEALTHY produce, chicken, fish and more for GREAT prices!

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Great IKEA finds for Pre-School, Pre-K & Kindergartener's!

The other day, I found myself looking around and realizing what great pieces of plastic we have found at IKEA and thought I'd share!

FIRST up, the $3.99 FUNGARA gray plastic tray - perfect for an eating or work surface and cleans up perfectly!

SECOND is also a tray, $7.99 KLACK.  It's larger than the gray tray and my favorite for LEGO's as the sides are taller so less little LEGO's can escape!  Not a good fit for the dishwasher.

NEXT UP, an iPad, cooking book or UNO card holder!  RIMFORSA, $15.99.  This item can be found in the office section as well as the kitchen accessory marketplace.  The ISBERGET is $2.99 and plastic.  It comes in a few colors (white & blue pictured).  It isn't as tall as the RIMFORSA, so not as good for a cookbook!  Ivan loves UNO, Go Fish and Old Maid ... it's quite tricky to hold all those cards in those little hands, so these have been great ways to hide his cards and still be able to see them!

What else do you need to go with a LEGO/project tray and UNO card holder? a TABLE!  The LACK tables have been good to us.  I don't care if they get written or spilled on (and they never leave a mark, cleaning up beautifully).  They are the perfect height for a 2-3 year old's project table, light weight and cheap ... $7.99!  They also come in various colors!

We also have the SUNDVIK white table and chairs ... the table is a bit higher than the LACK tables and has matching chairs.  My favorite part of this set is using the chairs for a step stool for myself!

Another favorite IKEA inspired activity to do on a table ... slice hard boiled eggs!  Random enough as it sounds, it is super fun and encourages healthy snacking!  This easy to use egg slicer SLAT, will only run you $2.99 and can be found in the kitchen section of the marketplace.

TOYS ... they have toys, paper roll holders, paint, crayons, cute kitchen toys, lots of stuffed animals wooden train pieces, on and on.  All priced very friendly.  It the easy to assemble tents ($9.99+) and RUSA tunnel ($14.99) that kids of all ages seem to gravitate to every time the room fills up with playmates!

This plastic step stool is great because it is skinnier than the others we have an doesn't slip/slide as it has rubber (green parts).  Can't beat it for $4.99!

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST the items that get me excited!  KNALLA umbrellas are $2.99 and open and close very easily.  They are on the larger side (not golf umbrella size) and are handy to have around.  At the price, I don't even care if I leave one behind!

I'm a winter time scarf wearer!  The $5.99 KOMPLEMENT scarf hanger keeps me organized and fits my scarfs in the closet!

Yes, I fully appreciate good quality for a great price.  I'm def a value gal.  Coming in last but certainly not least are the 20" x 20" throw pillow inserts ... FJADRAR for $5.99!!!  Seriously this may be the best value in the entire store.  Compare the fill and feel with like inserts found at Pottery Barn etc for upwards of $18+ each

and no I'm not on the IKEA payroll ... wondering how I spent so much on my last visit with all these low prices?!!  Happy Shopping!

No sugar added, Apple Pie Oatmeal for a healthy breakfast

Fall brings changing leaves, pumpkins & APPLES!  In Ivan's class for the month of October they studies the life cycles and all things apples & pumpkins.  I believe this has spurred his new phase of apple everything!  

We were finding ourselves in a slump of breakfast foods.  He seems to get on something and want it daily, then not at all!  Looking at all the apples sitting around, I peeled a few, diced them up and put them on the stove with some cinnamon, splash of water, and few lemon juice squirts.  I then mixed up in his oatmeal (added butter and unsweetened almond milk to the oats) for "apple pie oatmeal"

He licks the bowl clean every time ... and the kitchen smells warm and delicious in the morning!

After realizing what a hit this actually was, I have now started doing 3-4 apples at a time and leave in the fridge for a faster morning routine.  I simply warm the apples separate from the oatmeal and then combine.  Still smells good 😊 

Hiring a Babysitter or Nanny

There are pockets of care givers just waiting to be found, you just have to find them!  Check for websites/services such as or  We have used both, I find to be a much more daunting process, and have only used for long-term Nanny or consistent babysitters, due to the amount of people to sift through.  In limited markets, Sitting Made Simple is available.  This was not my first choice before Ivan could talk, because you do not meet the sitter prior to the appointment!  They have a registration fee, and then you pay the service per appointment you book.  Once you request a day/time, a listing of available care givers populates.  You then choose who you’d like to request.  At this time, you are able to see a headshot and read a brief bio of the care giver that includes age, what they are studying (all have been college students that I have seen), where they are from, etc.  Then the chosen care giver accepts the appointment and you get a notification that “Sally” will be at your home on the requested day/time.  This service has been AMAZING in a pinch.  One of the steady, full-time Nannies we hired ended up flaking out and it was a slow but predictable thing to watch!  Realizing she wouldn’t be showing up the next day, I called Sitting Made Simple and for a $25 fee they had an excellent gal over the next day so I could keep my work commitments.  Through Sitting Made Simple, you pay the caregivers directly.  I've been very happy with all of our Sitting Made Simple sitters!  

Ask other Mom’s in your area how they found/find their sitters.  It’s always nice to have a few in your back pocket for a date night or in a pinch!  Facebook also has some area/neighborhood babysitter pages that I have had success with.  The current gal we consistently use was found this way.  I made sure to give her all the cons to the job right up front!    

Just like when dating, it’s always best to share any hang-ups or expectations you might have upfront!  This can be tricky on your first hire or two, because you might not know what will make you uncomfortable until you encounter it!  Over time, I compiled a list that I give at our first or second communication – I like to share this prior to the first face-to-face meeting so they can bail if I’m too crazy out of the shoot for them! 

I also like to stress that it is very important to me that they be comfortable – after all, you are leaving them in your house with your child!  Not only do you need to be able to trust them, but they need to be comfortable to ensure your child’s mental and physical safety!


  • No McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, Taco Bell or other fast food in the house or around Ivan
  • No friends/boyfriends/girlfriends while with Ivan (without clearing with Melissa) … including meeting a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend at a park or other location
  • No leaving Ivan alone – leaving the house while he’s napping, leaving him in car to run into store or gas station, etc.  He must be an arm’s length away (unless he’s asleep at all times)
  • No perfume or fragranced lotions
  • Phone use (texting, social media, etc) should only be for emergencies or to communicate with me (During naptime, phone use is permitted)
  • If leaving the house (I don’t care if it’s to walk around the block) I’d like a text that you are leaving, where you are going & another text when you arrive home
  • Everyone’s hands get washed when entering the house, after using the restroom and before eating

Childcare :: Choosing a Daycare and Hiring a Babysitter

Childcare has been the most complicated, or shall I say worst thing about Motherhood for me!  My family being a 2-hr drive away is nice for visits, but doesn’t lend itself to helping with last minute emergencies or just plain babysitting.  We have tried a combination of solutions and have learned a few things along the way … perhaps you can shorten your learning curve from our journey!

Things to consider when choosing a Daycare
(I’m already ASSuming you are at a licensed, reputable center where staff is
First Aid & CPR certified and the building meets State safety requirements)

Food - This and sleep being over looked are my #1 pet peeve and biggest concerns for Ivan thus far.  Their little brains are growing so much and in such a short amount of time that what they eat and how frequently on top of rest is imperative. 

  • Do they allow and encourage you to bring in breast milk?  If so, how do they store it and warm it?  
  • How are dietary restrictions handled?  Tree nut policy?  Luckily we don’t have any tree nut allergies!  This one gets me though – Our current school doesn’t allow tree nuts of any kind for safety, and this definitely limits healthy fat sources I can provide Ivan with, that he would actually eat at school.
  • Do they wash hands before eating?

Sleep -  I already explained my view on sleep!  Lucky for me, I also have a great napper!!

  • Do they have quiet/dark sleeping area? 
  • What’s the sleeping schedule & policy?  Can babies sleep on their schedule, or does the room have its schedule?  When Ivan was under 1 year, the room he was in napped 2x a day, which was the schedule he was already on.  They also would accommodate additional sleeping needs if needed. 
  • Does each child have the same crib the whole week, or do they share?
  • Who provides and cleans bedding? 
  • Do they play music or use a sound machine?  Ivan’s daycare used a sound machine – same one that was in the stuffed bear at Buy Buy Baby, so we replicated that at home.  He now sleeps with a sound machine at home, and seems to sleep better and maybe even longer when it’s on.


  • Upon entering and during your visit, do the employees seem friendly and happy?
  • Do the babies/kids look happy?
  • Are the teachers interacting with small children on the floor/at their level? 

Diapering & Toilet training – We went from in home sitters --> daycare --> in home sitter --> to stay-at-home Mom at the time Ivan was ready to begin potty training.  We were also noticing that he needed the social interaction daycare provides, so enrolled him for a few hours 3 days a week.  Once I realized they were on a potty training mission, we began M-F in the mornings.  All they did was pee every 20-30 min.  The teacher had a clip board and she was on a mission to potty train the room and SHE DID!  It was amazing and potty training went so much more smoothly than I was expecting.  Because everyone was doing it, it was Ivan’s idea, ‘hey, this is fun to stand and pee’ … getting #2 into the toilet was a different story ;)

  • How frequently do they change diapers? 
  • Do they toilet/potty train?  If so, How & When?
  • What is the cleaning & handwashing policy around all potty and diaper activities?


  • Do the babies have room to crawl and move around? 
  • Is there outdoor playtime and/or walks? 
  • Do things have a place, is the room organized?
  • Are there hard & soft surfaces for babies/toddlers with variety of textures?

CommunicationI linger … Linger at drop off, linger at pick up and observe.  Having a flexible schedule lends itself to this behavior.  I have found if I spend 5-10 min a day in the room, I can get a sense of what is going on.  How the kids and teacher interact and send the message loud and clear, I’m here – watching!

  • Does the school have an open-door policy? We’ve been to a school that requires an appointment to observe, while all others allow you to come in as frequently as you’d like. Ivan’s current Pre-K school has 2-way mirrors on the classroom doors, so you can watch without disrupting.
  • What does the daily check list look like?  It should include times of feedings, diapering’s, mood, activities, times of naps and if there is anything you need to bring, such as diapers.
  • Respect is taught by showing respect – Does staff uses children’s names when communicating?
  • How do they show respect other cultures, etc.?
  • Do they send daily pictures? A friend’s program sends her text messages with photo’s during the day, and another friends school has an app that they post updates and photos of during the day.

Learning & Development – Make sure programs include opportunities for physical, intellectual, problem-solving and communication skill-building.

  • Are toys age appropriate and easy to get to and organized? 
  • How often are the switched out for variety? 
  • Do they do art projects?
  • What sensory activities do they do?  (Water play, playdough, packing bubbles, etc.)
  • You are looking for a balance of daily activities (these should be included on your daily report) 
  • Do they encourage exploration & problem solving, how? 
  • Do they give children choices of activities? 
  • Do they read to children?  Are books available?  They should be even in infant and toddler rooms
  • Music and singing?

Conflict & Discipline – Ask the teacher (and person giving you the tour):

  • How conflicts are resolved in the classroom, such as toddlers fighting over a toy?  "MINE" is very popular in the toddler room!
  • Do they do time-outs?
  • How do they handle hitting?
  • How do they handle a child that is excessively crying?

Cleanliness – Use your eyes & nose!  Check out the restroom that’s available for you while there!

  • What is diapering table cleaning policy? 
  • How frequently are the toys/room cleaned? 
  • Hand washing policy – I like everyone, teachers and students, to wash hands upon entering the room!
  • Do they have a special protocol if there is an outbreak such as pink eye, hand-foot-mouth disease, or someone throws up?  State law requires them to post a notice if/when a contagious outbreak happens.  And they will!

Staff – Make sure to meet and observe the classroom head teacher on your visit. How long have they been there? How is turnover?

  • Current credentials? How do they remain current about childcare/child development and how this adds to the center
  • Do they come across as being passionate about working with kids?

Sick policy

  • Will they administer medicine if needed? 
  • What is the sick policy, when do they have to go home? 

Location  - How close to your home/work?

I definitely recommend spending as much time as possible at the daycare you are considering. Do they have a Facebook page? If so, check out the reviews, and even reach out to other parents that seem to be active on the FB page!


  •  Any medication & sunscreen (gas drops, diaper cream, etc.)
  • Diapers & Wipes
  • Naptime blanket (bedding sheets)
  • Change(s) of clothes
  • Hat


  • Breast milk/formula
  • Pacifier(s)


Easy and fun way for your child to help carve a pumpkin

Fall foliage is in full force!  It's apple picking, pumpkin carving, trick-or-treat time!! 👻 

Last year we went to carve our pumpkin and realized just how complicated creating a jack-o-lantern can be.  We choose a LARGE pumpkin that had deep grooves which made it near impossible to draw shapes for Daddy to cut out.  The marker couldn't even make a straight line.  Then Ivan's pin pricking kit came into play!

How we figured out a short cut to pumpkin carving that included Ivan participating in a very helpful role:

  1. Design your pumpkin face - need inspiration? search online for different jack-o-lantern faces
  2. Draw the mouth and eye shapes on white paper 
  3. Then, place each eye and mouth on the pumpkin & secure with painters tape
  4. Let your child pin prick the pattern directly on the pumpkin
    *the pins are SHARP, not toys!
  5. Remove the paper shapes and see the trail of pin pokes left behind
  6. Have an adult cut out shapes & circle around top
  7. Clean out guts of pumpkin
  8. Light & Enjoy!  

Pin-pricking isn't just a good way to carve your pumpkin, it is used in Montessori classrooms as a way to reinforce the proper grip for a writing skills, it strengthens fine motor hand muscles, and a great exercise for concentration! We've put together pin-pricking kits you can use in your home.  Each kit includes a holding case (3 colors available: blue, green, pink); sponge, pin pricker, assortment of fall colored leaves and an apple!  Order your pin-pricking kit with fall leaves + apple here.

Last year, I used brown packaging from an amazon shipment to make a tree in on our home office wall and this year a Trader Joe's paper grocery bags.  Ripping the paper in long strips I just taped the strips on the wall in the shape of a tree trunk & branches.  Ivan could come in and pin-prick 1 or more leaves and hang.  It ended up being super cute and a great little activity for him.

How to use the pin-pricking kit to build your fall foliage tree:

  1. Rip long strips of brown paper, to build a trunk & branches, taping to the wall 
  2. Have your child choose a leaf or apple shape to pin prick
  3. The shape gets placed on top of the sponge to avoid pokes in your table!
  4. Your child should poke along the line of the shape and may need help poking the shape out when complete
  5. Your child can tape to the tree!

Places to visit in St. Augustine, FL, Palm Coast, FL and surrounding areas with a toddler or preschool aged child

We have enjoyed our multiple trips to Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Coast, FL for the past 4 years.  It's an easy place for us to get, and easier for traveling with young children!  On our first visit Ivan was only 16 months old ... on our last he was 4 years, 10 months!

Our favorite spots:

Hammock Beach Resort Beach & Pools - Initially I was trying to research what resorts had a beach entry pool when Ivan was just walking for obvious reasons!  It was near impossible when doing a google search - or I was not using the proper key words!  We lucked out with the pools at Hammock Beach Resort.  The family pool is beach entry, has 2 waterfalls and a LARGE and non-threatening waterslide.  There is also a lazy river, beach entry pool with sand, adult pool (next to the bar) and large hot tub.  Breakfast, lunch and cocktails can be ordered and delivered to your spot and the kids have a blast!  The beach area at the resort, has towels, lounge chairs and umbrellas for your convenience!  They also offer bikes (have smaller bikes good for elementary aged kids and one bike trailer for little ones).  We rode to a nearby park (Bings Landing) and picked up BBQ ribs for lunch.  Don't forget the natural grass 18-hole putt-putt golf course ... lots of lizards darting across the grass to keep it fun!! 🦎 

Heading south, in Flagler Beach we found a super cute and locally made true story about Libby the Lobster.  I love finding books on vacation so this was a def gem for me!  Flagler Beach also has a pier and ice cream ...

One year, we had to pick up Grammie at the Daytona Beach airport (closest airport to Hammock Beach Resort) and I found the cutest Fire Engine park in Ormond Beach (on the way from Palm Coast to Daytona via A1A).  The park is built next to a fire station ... one of the times we were playing there the garage doors were open and the Fireman let us check out the trucks, tools and even gave Ivan a Fireman hat and coloring book!  He still talks about the FireStation Park!

On our last visit, we had some serious rain so my google searches included 'indoor playground'.  We discovered this gem in Daytona Beach ... That One Fun Place.  It was similar to The World Of Bounce at home and had the usual bounce houses, slides and mazes as well as basketball and a air gun nerf type enclosure that was a lot of fun!

Heading NORTH :: If you head north on A1A, you arrive at Mainland Dolphin Adventure.  The facility is located on the east side of the road basically on the beach and has various programs and experiences with dolphins, as well as other marine life to check out.  Ivan was able to do Touch & Feed (must be 3 yrs and up).  It was FAST, but amazing.  He did this when he was 3.5 yrs old.

Further north, you come to St. Augustine Beach.  Fiesta Falls Putt-Putt Golf has been more than frequently visited by Ivan!  It's a cute putt-putt place ... waterfalls to walk through, pirate ships to explore and ice cream at every turn!  The beach itself nearby is very beautiful as well.

Last but not least for our northbound adventuring ... St. Augustine, FL, the nations oldest city!  There are great shops, restaurants and sights to see.  You can purchase a trolley pass to zoom around town or walk.  The trolley ride can get a bit long for Ivan, so we like to bring the stroller and hoof it.  

This past trip, we explored Castillo de San Marcos (St. Augustine, FL), which is a part of the National Park Service.  Rangers share info on weapons, they have soldier uniforms and all.  On weekends they even shoot off cannons!  

Last but not least (may be the crowd favorite) St. Augustine Alligator Park.  This is always a MUST visit for us ... sometimes 2x per FL visit!  Lots to do and see.  Feed ducks & alligators! and watch a Large alligator feeding! Older kids and adults can enjoy a high ropes course over the park!!

Enjoy your visit to the St. Augustine, FL and Palm Coast, FL area!!!

Captain Underpants (aka Ivan) hopes you have as much fun as he does!!!

Captain Underpants (aka Ivan) hopes you have as much fun as he does!!!

Why Didn't I Think Of This Sooner?!

See how inviting that looks?!  No toys ... serenity!!!  Photo compliments of Emilee Ramsier Photography

See how inviting that looks?!  No toys ... serenity!!!  Photo compliments of Emilee Ramsier Photography

Putting myself at the bottom of the priority list is something I have successfully learned from my Mother.  It’s also the thing about her that bothers me the most … imagine that!!  Since school has just started (and we are now in full day Pre-K, Yay!) I decided I would take a short little trip to visit my sister in Atlanta.  Being the fabulous freelance photographer that she is, a job popped up at the exact time as my visit, so it got postponed!  Not wanting to waste a babysitter all lined up (to pick up from school), I made the executive decision to book a hotel room for myself and check out of Motherhood/Wifehood for 12 hours!  What a genius decision!!


Posting up at a brand new local hotel was just what the doctor ordered!  I ate dinner alone, watched a movie in my room alone, slept in and even got some work done!  Much needed headspace.  Upon re-entering my life, I found everyone was alive and well … actually thriving.  It was nice to realize my Husband was capable of making the bed AND he ACTUALLY knows where the dishwasher is and how it works!!


Next time, I am thinking a little more time, and being further away might be a better way to unplug and recharge … ocean waves … feel me? 


A little perspective always does everyone good!



Places to go WITH kids in Columbus, Ohio

Today while picking up my son Ivan from school, I met a Dad who just moved his family to Bexley, Ohio from Peru!  He was asking with soccer program Ivan was in ... here is the quick list of our favorite places and things to do around Northeast Columbus with preschool to kindergarten aged kids with the links to make it as easy as possible!

Art with Anna, in Bexley … art classes for adults and children.  She also hosts workshops, camps and other artsy programming.

Blendon Woods Natural Playground – Natural Playground is new … hike a small trail with natural obstacles to play on.  My favorite part - it is undercover of the trees = shade!  On a 85 degree day it is the best thing to do outdoors (other than the pool of course)!  When you pull into Blendon Woods Park, follow the signs to the 'Natural Playground' (first right).  There is also two traditional playgrounds nearby that are both in the SUNSHINE.

Ivan loving Blendon Woods Natural Playground

Ivan loving Blendon Woods Natural Playground

Columbus Zoo – Best zoo in the USA!  We LOVE feeding the giraffes!  If you make a few trips a year, a membership easily pays for itself with parking and admission!

COSI – fun kids science museum … if you make a few trips a year a membership is the way to go!

Dave & Busters – video games! And a bar ;)  Not my first choice, and we've only been once, but Ivan is a RAVING FAN!

Franklin Park Conservatory – My personal favorite!  Butterfly exhibit in the spring/summer and family/kid events all year long.  Beautiful spot for holiday (or anytime) photos.  Lot's of amazing plants and climates to explore.  On nice days, we end our visit with a visit to the playground outside on the grounds.  Membership pays for it’s self very quickly!  More details in a past blog here

Top: Franklin Park; Bottom: World of Bounce & Columbus Zoo

Top: Franklin Park; Bottom: World of Bounce & Columbus Zoo

Get Air Trampoline Park – great place to exercise when it’s yucky outside

Glow Putt (indoor putt putt that glows in the dark!) – weird spot, but kids seem to love it.  It’s dark, lit by black lights so the balls and holes glow.

Inniswood Gardens – Beautiful grounds, often have children’s programs going on, check website for times and programs!

Bexley Library – Great resource and cute kids section, exceptionally friendly and helpful staff!

Millstone Creek Park – best outdoor playground I know of in Columbus!

Piccadilly Play Café – We visited indoor play cafe's more when Ivan was younger (walking -2/3 yrs old), but they are in Bexley and have parents night out and other programming/events that may be worth checking out for older kids.

Recreations Outlet – This place sells outdoor playgrounds and trampolines, and has an indoor playground you can visit to just play and/or check out new swing sets, etc.  They even host birthday parties.  The trampoline we bought there, may be the best thing we ever bought Ivan!  Endless hours of great exercise & fun!!

Sky Zone – indoor trampoline park ... known to Ivan as the "orange sockie place".  Make sure to register/pay online before you drive up there!  They can sell out of a time slot and have limited 5 yrs and under jumping days & times.

Star Lanes – bowling alley and video games … bar ;)  I'm not a video game fan, but this place had fun video games for kids, gotta give them that!  Bring your wallet, not quarters ;)

Westerville Mini Golf – Two very pretty outdoor 18-hole mini golf courses in nice condition.  Driving range & batting cages.  Usually not crowded!

World of Bounce – Indoor inflatable playground.  Open 9-12 pm weekdays, and Wednesday evenings for family night.  Great spot for a birthday party or rainy day.  Not my favorite spot - it's kinda darkish inside, and in my mind a germ haven, but it does the job when exercise is NEEDED!  You can bring snacks and water bottles, etc.  Just make sure to WASH HANDS!  And bring your own socks! (there is nothing unclean about this place other than there are kids in bouncy houses, they do a nice job of keeping it clean - I'm just a WASH YOUR HANDS kinda freak)

Top: one slice of Millstone Park; Bottom: Westerville Mini Golf hole-in-one winner & Wendy's Gymnastics

Top: one slice of Millstone Park; Bottom: Westerville Mini Golf hole-in-one winner & Wendy's Gymnastics

Seasonal Spots:

Arnold Classic Kids Expo - March 3-4, 2018 at the Ohio Fair Grounds.  Great gathering of EVERY sport I can name and more!  Archery, bowling, hockey, soccer-foot-golf, bouncy houses, ninja warrior courses, volleyball, tennis, and so much more! ... All under one roof!

Fantasy of Lights, Alum Creek State Parkgrounds - Drive through Holiday light show and Santa Claus stop.  We have never ventured into see Santa, the line is always too long and the cabin too small!  Plus Ivan has not cared or been interested in poor ol'Santa!  The light show is pretty special ... so much better when covered in snow!

Franklin Park Conservatory – Exhibits change seasonally.  Butterflies in spring/summer.  Beautiful décor for Christmas.  Build gingerbread houses event (my personal fav)

Lynd’s Fruit Farm – Berry picking in June/July; apples & pumpkins in fall.  In fall they also have a family area with bouncy houses, hayrides, hot cider, hay rides, etc.  Find info on their Facebook page for fall fest

Scioto Mile Fountain– Seasonal.  Downtown fountains that kids can splash through

Snow Trails, Mansfield - About an hour north of Columbus, Snow Trails has great ski programs for kids starting as young as 3-4 year olds!  We had a blast last year.  Ivan got to go to ski school and the Mommy's got to ski!

Zoo – Has Halloween (October) weekend and Holiday lights in December

Top Left: Lil Kickers Soccer; Top Right: Arnold Classic Kids Expo; Bottom Left: Thanksgiving Turkey cookie craft at Franklin Park; Bottom Right: Fantasy of Lights at Alum Creek State Camp grounds

Top Left: Lil Kickers Soccer; Top Right: Arnold Classic Kids Expo; Bottom Left: Thanksgiving Turkey cookie craft at Franklin Park; Bottom Right: Fantasy of Lights at Alum Creek State Camp grounds

Organized sports & recreation:

Bexley Pool – something for every age!  Zero entry, small waterslide, 2 large waterslides, diving board


Chiller Ice Rinks – hockey or figure skating or just plain family open skate!

Flag Football

Lil Kickers, Gahanna – they did not hold summer 2017 classes and I’m not sure if they are going to do fall 2017 classes or not!  Hoping they do!!

Locker Soccer – we have never tried, but have heard great things from friends

(Awesome soccer store in Westerville Soccer Plus)

Wendy’s Gymnastics – Ivan takes weekly classes and attends some open sessions as well.  This may be his favorite!  We have also attended and hosted birthday parties here ... crowd favorite.  It's large and fun!

Top Left: Snow Trails ski school for 3-4 yr olds; Top Right: Columbus Zoo; Bottom Left: Sky Zone; Bottom Right: Wendy's Gymnastics

Top Left: Snow Trails ski school for 3-4 yr olds; Top Right: Columbus Zoo; Bottom Left: Sky Zone; Bottom Right: Wendy's Gymnastics

Good resources for upcoming events and other spots to make your favorites:

Macaroni Kid NE Columbus

Kids Linked Columbus



Things to do in Tornoto with a Preschooler, 4 year old

We took two trips to Toronto in the Winter of 2016.  Why, you ask ... Hockey, Eh!  Historically, Chicago and New York were my top two favorite "BIG" cities (and yes, in that order) until our visits to Toronto this past winter, I'm thinking Toronto is now at the TOP!  An easy (6 hr) drive away from our home in Central Ohio, the European flair, current currency rate (30% discount in my eyes), great restaurants & shopping, friendly people, endless options of sights to see and ease of moving through the city are what I loved the most! 


Traveling with a four year old who still naps, we fully appreciate a 2 bedroom apartment/condo and usually book through Airbnb.  For trip #1 we stayed in a high rise condo near all the action (Queen Street/Spadina Ave) and enjoyed walking around and exploring the city.  The shopping and restaurants were fabulous (my favorite food spot from trip #1: Cactus Club Cafe, 77 Adelaide Street W - they weren't especially thrilled we were visiting with a 4-year old, but it was mid-afternoon and they were very friendly.  Food was AMAZING & we loved the atmosphere ... BEST restrooms I've ever seen)!  We are great at finding "activities" everywhere we go ... check out the top two photo's on the right.  The Lululemon Store at 318 Queen Street has a ping-pong table, lounge seating & even coloring so Mom can try on clothes ... Genius! 

On trip #2 we stayed in the Casa Loma neighborhood - for our next visit, we would do the same as trip #2 and first see if our Casa Loma spot were available first!  We appreciated the ease of location, the known amazing hosts, and extra amenities of being in a neighborhood.  Here we had EASY (& free) parking right outside our door, a newly furnished 2 bed apartment and gracious hosts!  The grocery was in walking distance and we could easily drive to the hockey rink (our main purpose of the trips) and other neighborhoods/areas we wanted to visit.  Some great restaurants we enjoyed included: Sassafraz Restaurant, Yorkville; Dimmi Bar & Trattoria, Yorkville; Cactus Club Cafe).

When in Canada ... HOCKEY!

When in Canada ... HOCKEY!

Avid fans of the AHL team, the Manitoba Moose, and Team USA (of course) there are lots of opportunities to travel!  The Hockey Hall of Fame was a very fun and interactive museum.  I was pleasantly surprised by how many fun exhibits there were to check out!  My husband and I could have easily spent more time appreciating the exhibits and video's - not the most impressive time spent to a 4-year old!  Ivan did especially enjoy the TSN SportsCentre Experience and State-0f-the-art interactive games!  ... P.S. The 2017 Team USA u20 team won GOLD in the IIHF Championships!!!

When we weren't cheering for our team, we visited Ripley's Aquarium.  This is not your average fish tank!  With 1.5 Million gallons of water, Ripley's Toronto Aquarium is home to 16,000 animals and showcases 17 habitats.  The long tunnel with moving floor was magical as you felt like you were walking underwater.  There were several tanks kids could climb under and through ... Ivan was hesitant to climb through the shark tank tunnel at first (bottom photo, top left)!!

top left: Shark tank tunnel; top right: Niagra-On-The-Lake playground in the center of townbottom left: REAL raindeer at Santa's workshop at the Casa Loma Estate; bottom right: the city of Tornoto at Legoland Discovery Center

top left: Shark tank tunnel; top right: Niagra-On-The-Lake playground in the center of town
bottom left: REAL raindeer at Santa's workshop at the Casa Loma Estate; bottom right: the city of Tornoto at Legoland Discovery Center

Legoland was a bit of a drive (but not too far, no traffic on a weekend morning).  We also like to get to our destinations when they open to avoid the mid morning rush.  Ivan enjoyed Legoland, but it was a bit disappointing.  Not sure what exactly I was expecting but this was not it.  As the website says, buy your tickets before you get there!  They only allow a specific number of people in every 15 or so minutes (this should also hint at it's size).  In the first room examples of how plastic is melted down and formed to create Lego's is the main attraction ... Next, Toronto built of Lego's (this was my favorite part).  The baseball diamond, hockey stadium and other parts had interactive buttons kids could push and make things move, light up and make noise.  The main room included a smaller indoor playground, fair type ride and build/race Lego station.  This Legoland is also part of a shopping mall ... Boxing Week is not the week to spend lots of time in a mall if you are not in the mood for fighting your way through crowds or shopping!!  Ivan liked Legoland ... don't think I'd be offering to return!

Since we were staying in the neighborhood, we visited Casa Loma.  What an amazing estate!  Under-ground tunnels, towers you could climb multiple stories and look out of and REAL reindeer were all here!  Christmas was over, but they still had Santa's Workshop set up in the stables ... it was extremely cute!  There was also a bounce house, kids could decorate cut out cookies, in another part of the house there was a room set up for kids to make crafts.  It was beyond impressive all the activities they had set up for the kids.  I especially appreciated these added touches, it made checking out the house a possibility with kids!  Definatly worth a visit.

Pit stop - Niagara Falls

Pit stop - Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls was a must stop for me on the way back home from trip #1.  It is something I haven't seen since childhood and a force of nature whose beauty cannot be denied!  We also had lunch at Niagra-On-the-Lake which is a super cute little town.  Lots of wineries and little shops.  Ivan also found a playground in the center of town!

We found a lot to explore, taste and experience in Toronoto ... hope you enjoy your visit too!